Database Server Maintenance (Europe Datacenter)
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Ortto
The system is fully operational. Please contact Support if you encounter any issues.
Posted Sep 27, 2023 - 22:52 UTC
Maintenance has been completed. We will continue to monitor the system.
Posted Sep 27, 2023 - 22:21 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Sep 27, 2023 - 22:01 UTC
We will be performing maintenance on some databases in our Europe Datacenter at the following time:

Wednesday, 27th September 2023 22:00-23:00 (UTC)
Thursday, 28th September 2023 00:00-01:00 (UTC+2, Paris)
Thursday, 28th September 2023 08:00-09:00 (UTC+10, Sydney)

The expected duration is less than 5 minutes during this 1 hour window.

Customers may see errors appear when performing actions within the application during this time.

Our engineers will be working to minimise disruption as much as possible. However, it is not recommended to make any changes to your data during this maintenance period.

Customers who's instance(s) are hosted in other regions will not be impacted by this maintenance.
Posted Sep 25, 2023 - 06:53 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Ortto application and Ortto API.